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Help your Joomla! visitors find the right page
June 12, 2013
Maintaining a Joomla! site means that so now and then URLs are changed. Old URLs become obsolete and are replaced with new URLs. Within the Joomla! backend you can use the Redirect Manager to redirect those old URLs, but what happens with the URLs you forget about: For every one of those obsolete URLs, sooner or later a visitor will face an ugly red error-box.
Save a couple of SQL-queries per Magento request
June 9, 2013
Magento has the feature of logging every request to its database, giving you insight into your visitors behaviour. But this is also including search-engines and if you are using a tool like Google Analytics, this logging is pointless. Learn how to disable it.
Monitoring performance loads with Graphdat
June 3, 2013
When dealing with server-performance, monitoring peaks is important to understand under which circumstances performance-issues arise. Monitoring can be done by using plain tools like top and iostat, but now there also is GraphDat. Now monitoring server-resources is just a cool thing to do.
Book-review "Magento PHP Developers Guide"
May 21, 2013
Magento programming - a vast space that a lot has been written about, but many claim not enough. With his book Magento PHP Developer's Guide, Allan MacGregor tries to combine the most important subjects of Magento development into one book. I would say he has done that job very nicely.
Vm2Mage 0.10.4 is out
May 16, 2013
Another Vm2Mage build has been released - Vm2Mage version 0.10.4 - bringing various fixes and enhancements to VirtueMart-to-Magento migrations especially the migration of product-attributes.
Reliably remove Magento orders
May 15, 2013
With our Yireo DeleteAnyOrder extension you can reliably remove test-orders from your database - either before going live, or while you have already gone live. Not only does our extension clean the order itself, it also tracks down dependancies (unlike other similar extensions). DeleteAnyOrder has now hit version 0.10.2.
Dynamic404 plugin for EasyBlog
May 14, 2013
We have released a new Dynamic404 plugin for the popular EasyBlog component by StackIdeas. With this plugin, whenever a 404-error is encountered by a visitor, that visitor will be shown a list of suggested EasyBlog posts that are similar to the requested URL. Dynamic404 makes it easier for your visitors to find the relevant new page, in the event of a Not Found error. Note that this plugin requires the Dynamic404 component to function correctly.
BingTranslate for Magento 0.2.1 is out
May 12, 2013
Our BingTranslate extension for Magento has hit a new version: Version 0.2.1. And while the number has only a minor increase, there is actually a great feature many were waiting for: Automated translation for products - not in the GUI yet, but in a script that is easily modiifed.
Few days left to get 20% discount because of teabags
May 9, 2013
End of April we started a promotion for all our Joomla! extensions: Using the coupon TEABAGS on our site, you get 20% discount on any Joomla! extension you purchase. Now, the promotion ends on May 12th - so there's only a few days left. Make sure you are not too late.