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MageBridge template-patches for YOOtheme Drive and MiCasa

January 17, 2013

New template-patches for YOOtheme Drive and YOOtheme MiCasa are now available for MageBridge. With these patches, the awsome templates of YOOtheme can easily be used to setup a MageBridge-based shop in Joomla!. Don't bother creating your own CSS to style the required components, get patched.

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TweetScheduler 0.2.6 - Facebook and LinkedIn support

January 8, 2013

A new version 0.2.6 has been released of our handy extension TweetScheduler. With this extension, you can use your Joomla! backend to schedule tweets to be placed at a certain time. New in 0.2.6 is mainly support for Facebook and LinkedIn.

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MageBridge Private Sales

January 3, 2013

One feature is making MageBridge such an awsome feature is Private Sales: Magento Enterprise ships with this feature, which allows you - for example - to show different prices to retailers than to end-customers. MageBridge offers you this without extra charge at all. How cool is that?

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Yireo goes GitHub

December 31, 2012

For some time, we have been publishing our sources on GitHub, but perhaps it is time to promote it a bit: Yireo goes GitHub! But what is GitHub and why is it useful to Yireo. Here are the ins and outs.

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Yireo Goes New Age: 40% discount on all extensions!

December 18, 2012

December 21st 2012 - a new dawn, according to some. There is a whole lot to happen on Friday: Planetary alignments, world enlightenment or perhaps just some common sense while we're all together as a whole. Yireo tries to embrace this moment by offering you all a nice discout of 40% - let's go into the new age together!

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Joomla! Language Domains plugin

December 18, 2012

For a custom Yireo site, we wanted to have multiple languages, but also each language bound to a specific domain-name. Nothing existed yet for this, so we built it ourselves - and now we are proud to offer an extremely useful Joomla! plugin ... entirely for free. Check out it's features.

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Joomla! Bootstrap Accordion Menu module

December 13, 2012

Recently we developed a free Bootstrap-based Joomla! module, that turns your Joomla! menus into a nice JavaScript-based accordion. Inspired as we are, we called it Bootstrap Accordion Menu. The module now hits version 1.0.1, completing all the features we wanted to add to it.

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TweetScheduler 0.2.5 is out - reschedule your tweets

December 10, 2012

About a week ago, we released TweetScheduler version 0.2.5 - a new version of our tweeting app for Joomla!, featuring compatibility with Joomla! 3.0 and the ability of rescheduling tweets - allowing for birthday-tweets, usergroup-reminders and much more. Check out the details!

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jpegoptim: Wrong JPEG library version

October 31, 2012

And now for something completely different: We are currently experimenting with image-optimization tools, to replicate the behaviour of remote services like PageSpeed and Smush.It. And for this we needed a tool called to be installed on the hosting level. However, starting up jpegoptim gave an error about the wrong JPEG library version. How to solve that?

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