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Nooku - Jam, BREAD and some DCI salt
November 15, 2014
October and November 2014 were busy months for us. We've been visiting various events (some small, some large). Technology wise, the Nooku Jam was the most interesting. Here's a view on the current state of the Nooku project and how this helped shape the Nooku Jam of 29/30 October 2014.
Recommended server tools for Magento
October 4, 2014
When running a Magento site, giving the right attention to the server environment is a must. Magento is a resource intensive application, so making sure it runs fast enough is vital for your business. This guide is not about the procedures to reach best performance, but which tools are needed to make this possible in the first place.
Access control to Zend Server Z-Ray using PHP prepend
October 4, 2014
Zend Server 7 contains a wonderful tool called Z-Ray, which allows you to inspect code execution from within a toolbar in your browser. It is a must have for any serious PHP developer. This guide explains you how to use the PHP configuration option auto_prepend_file to determine who gets to see Z-Ray and who does not.
Joomla World Conference 2014 - Cancun, Mexico
October 2, 2014
This years Joomla World Conference - JWC 2014 - will be held in Cancun, Mexico in early November. We are proud to be there and part of it - both as speaker and as sponsor. Let's see what will be happening.
Expert Session: Joomla Usability
September 22, 2014
Years ago, Yireo organized various bootcamps in The Netherlands - fun events where technical info was exchanged. Well, we're back! Together with Perfect Web Team, we are putting together an expert session on Joomla Usability. So what is the deal?
Running your Joomla site through SSL
September 2, 2014
Early august, Google announced that it would take HTTPS as a ranking signal. It's a technical way of saying that your site's SEO benefits from the usage of HTTPS. So how can you tune Joomla to benefit from this? Do you need to run your site through SSL all of a sudden?
Running MageBridge on HHVM (kudos to HostingXS)
June 14, 2014
There is a lot to do these days about HHVM (aka Hip Hop Virtual Machine). Facebook developed this new PHP engine for its own purpose, but released it as an open source project to the public. And recently, using it for Magento has become quite popular due its unmatched performance. In other words: HHVM with Magento is da bomb! So what about MageBridge? Dutch hosting provider HostingXS did some great testing for us!
Watchfulli app for MageBridge
June 11, 2014
You might be familiar with Watchfulli, which offers monitoring of multiple Joomla! sites from one single dashboard. Their SaaS (Software as a Solution) service is already used by numerous Joomla! admins and easily extendible Joomla! plugins. We are happy to announce that we now also offer a Watchfulli plugin for MageBridge.
Testing the Magento checkout success page
June 5, 2014
Another example of the fact that the best solutions are developed because of practical issues. We were tweaking a Magento site for better sales conversion, but when customizing the success page (the page shown after the order has been completed) things got annoying: After a refresh, the cart was empty and we were redirected away from the success page. We developed an extension to tackle the issue.