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Onze nieuwste artikelen over Magento, Shopware, Vue, React en nog veel meer

Our feelings towards Mage-OS
August 22, 2023
One word: Love. It started with a letter, it went forward with a fork that was more like a distribution which is yet to be released, it is a movement. Here's our feelings towards Mage-OS (and hence a personal vision).

Magento hackathon at Yireo on Saturday, September 9th
August 10, 2023
Slowly holidays are coming to an end. People start picking up upon work again. What better way to get into coding again by joining like-minded fans at a hackathon? On September 9th, Yireo organizes a Magento hackathon. You are invited.

My OpenSearch Docker blew up my hard drive
August 7, 2023
I've been running a custom docker-compose
setup for some time now, while developing for Magento and Shopware. But now, suddenly, after some upgrades, my hard drive was filling up. A little saga into tuning OpenSearch.

In memory of Pim Hofman
July 24, 2023
Less than a week ago, I was informed that Pim Hofman had passed away on Saturday, July 15th 2023. It was sudden, a shock. And now that his passing away is out in the open, I wanted to publish my own memorial, to share with you how I experienced Pim. I'm definitely going to miss him.

MageUnconference NL 2023 aftermath
July 17, 2023
It has happened. The MageUnconference Netherlands 2023 (mere days ago) was a huge success, not just my words. Let's peek back at the event, the smiles, the laughter, the seriousness, the irregularities.

Yireo GoogleTagManager - wait for it ...
July 16, 2023
Quietly, a new feature has been slipped into the Yireo GoogleTagManager2, called Wait for user interaction . Disabled by default. Here is the gist of why should enable it.

Shopware decorators only on interface?
May 22, 2023
During a Shopware training session, I heard an experienced developer say that you could only create a Symfony service decorator for an interface and not a class. Is this true? The answer is no. Here's a write-up of how decorators work.

Blue Green deployment in Magento
May 18, 2023
To me, the concept of Blue Green deployment was familiar because it is part of Shopware. So I was pleasantly surprised to hear that Magento 2.4.4 also started to include this concept. And then it got quiet. What is it and is it useful?

MageUnconf NL now co-hosted by Mage-OS NL
May 9, 2023
While Mage-OS Nederland is still contemplating on when a new MeetMagento NL is going to take place, the first event is already taking place in a few months: The MageUnconference NL - setup by Yireo - is now co-hosted by Mage-OS Nederland as well, making this event the first official Dutch Magento event in a while.