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Installing the Yireo ByAttribute module
October 14, 2009
Use the following procedure to download and install the Yireo ByAttribute module.
Using the Yireo ByAttribute module
October 13, 2009
The Yireo ByAttribute module allows you to display a list of product attributes within one of your theme sidebars. This guide helps you with implementing the module within your own theme or via the backend.
Using the Yireo Delete-Any-Order module
October 2, 2009
The Yireo Delete-Any-Order module is a commercial module sold by Yireo through the online shop (based on MageBridge) and allows to delete orders with any status, including orders with the status completed. By doing so, the module also needs to remove other so-called EAV-entities from the database (shipping information, applied taxes, ordering items, etcetera), so the functionality is more complex than it seems.
Events with Magento checkout
August 9, 2009
The Magento e-commerce application makes use of events to allow third party extensions to hook into the Magento core-functionality. For instance, when a customer uses the one-page-checkout, multiple events are generated that allow other extensions to do their stuff. However, these events are not documented. While developing our own MageBridge extension, we needed to research on this ourselves - so here's the result.
Connecting to Magento with SOAP (part 4)
May 3, 2009
This tutorial is the fourth and final in a series of four tutorials to explain you how you can use SOAP to connect to Magento. In the first three tutorials we have explained the most common tasks you will perform through the API. In this final tutorial you will learn how to make multiple calls at once, how to use alternative SOAP-clients or XML-RPC and some other tips and tricks.
Connecting to Magento with SOAP (part 3)
April 26, 2009
This tutorial is the third in a series of four to explain you how you can use SOAP to connect to Magento. In the first two tutorials we have explained the basics of SOAP and how to connect a SOAP-client to the Magento API. This time we will go a step further - we are going to modify data.
Connecting to Magento with SOAP (part 2)
April 19, 2009
This tutorial is the second in a series of four to explain you how you can use SOAP to connect to Magento. In the first tutorial we have explained the basics of SOAP and its usage in PHP. Now we will actually start using the Magento API.
Connecting to Magento with SOAP (part 1)
April 12, 2009
Magento offers the possibility to let other applications connect to it through a Remote API. This API - based upon SOAP or XML-RPC - allows Magento to be integrated with other third applications like SugarCRM or OpenERP. This tutorial is the first in a series of four to explain you how you can use SOAP to connect to Magento.