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Limitations of Vm2Mage

January 4, 2010

Vm2Mage tries to migrate information as best as it can from VirtueMart from Magento, but some information is just not fitting into the Magento world. This article lists the current limitations of Vm2Mage.

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Installing and configuring Vm2Mage

January 4, 2010

Vm2Mage allows you to migrate from VirtueMart to Magento, and uses various extensions in both Joomla! as Magento to do so. This tutorial lays down all the steps.

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Magento categories and products are not showing

January 2, 2010

There can be various reasons why your Magento categories and products are not showing. Let's start walking through all the options that make your categories and products appear on your Magento site.

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Migrating products using Vm2Mage

December 16, 2009

Migrating products is easy with Vm2Mage. You just hit the Migrate button and the AJAX-process is starting to migrate batches of VirtueMart products to Magento. But a product can have dependencies. This tutorial outlines all the steps to safely migrate products.

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Setting up tax-classes before Vm2Mage migrations

December 12, 2009

Before migrating products, you will need to configure all the tax-options in Magento. Within VirtueMart you will need to go to "Tax > List Tax Rates". Within Magento you will need to go to "Sales > Tax". Note that within Magento tax rules are very flexible, thus harder to configure.

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Troubleshooting Delete-Any-Order

December 6, 2009

When you are using the Delete-Any-Order module, you MUST have a proper backup available. Removing orders from the Magento database while Magento itself does not offer such an option, is dangerous - especially when using third party modules.

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Renaming the Magento database table prefix

December 4, 2009

During the installation of Magento you have the option to use a database prefix for your Magento tables in the database. Using such a database prefix adds to the security of your site, because generic SQL Injection attacks will be more likely to fail. But if you installed Magento using the demo-data or if you forgot about this thing during installation, you are stuck with a database without prefix. Here is the procedure to update your Magento instance with a different prefix.

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Magento backup through phpMyAdmin

December 2, 2009

Creating a database backup is a vital part of system administration, but if you have a backup you should also be familiar with the procedure on how to restore this backup. With Magento, the backup involves a copy of all the files and a dump of the MySQL database. But will you be able to restore the database?

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Compressing Magento output

December 2, 2009

Compression is one of the tricks to gain performance with any website. So the same applies with Magento. However, the general rules that you can find on the Internet to compress output through Apache mod_deflate are very general, or even wrong when used in combination with Magento Downloadable Products.

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