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Magento security issues - SUPEE-8788

October 14, 2016

Magento announced a few days ago on October 11th the release of a new patch SUPEE-8788 which closes a dangerous security hole in Magento. After that, Magento 1.9.3 has been released and Magento 2.1.2 as well. If you have a Magento site, patch now! This is said to have the same impact as the ShopLift attack a few years ago.

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5 points that make the Magento 2 Seminar unique

October 9, 2016

Next week, Friday October 21st 2016, we are putting together a seminar focussed on Magento 2. With people being so enthousiastic about it, with a line-up of speakers that is simply awesome and with an organization that costs us so much energy (sigh), it is perhaps good to write up a balance of why this seminar is different than others: What makes the Magento 2 Seminar unique?

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AMP for Joomla

September 22, 2016

In October 2015 Google announced AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages), used for making smaller web pages to be shown on mobile devices. Many pages are at this moment not optimized yet for mobile use, which results in downloading lots of data - something can and should be optimized. AMP offers a solution for this.

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Managing languages in Magento 2

August 29, 2016

There are numerous language packs available for Magento 2 and a lot of them are community-driven. Magento itself offers its own CrowdIn account for volunteers to contribute. However, each country needs to determine who manages which translation in which manner. In the Netherlands, we are proposing a community-based translation via Dutchento. And we are organizing 2 events to give this a kickstart.

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Get going with Magento 2 Theming

August 22, 2016

Next week - August 31st - we are organizing our second Magento 2 theming training, this time in Zwolle. It will be a great training, unveiling many frontend development techniques for Magento 2 with two major parts: Block development and JavaScript. Let's see what's the fuzz about theming.

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MUG Den Bosch: Security

August 8, 2016

On August 16th, the Magento User Group Den Bosch (Netherlands) is meeting up on security. Security has always been an important topic for developers, merchants and shop builders, so we can expect many interesting things to be mentioned during this meetup.

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Magento 2 Seminar: New keynote and Call for Speakers

August 4, 2016

The seminar of October 21st 2016 is taking shape: Location is dealt with, we have some exciting keynotes, great sponsor line-up and the program is being put together with innovative talks. We are proud to show you the current state of this upcoming event:

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Next line-up of sponsors for Magento 2 Seminar

July 31, 2016

Following up on our earlier blog on sponsoring, we are proud to announce that we have even more sponsors lined up for the Magento 2 Seminar of October 21st 2016. This second seminar is proving to be more exciting, more interesting and simply bigger than the previous one of last January. Peek inside!

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7 things we dont want to argue about anymore

July 26, 2016

Developers and non-developers are not always on the same level. This makes sense: Everyone is knowledgable in its own area. Sometimes however, opinions differ on the same thing - this is where you can get into an arguement. Here are 7 points that we take our stand with. Nothing you say will change our mind anymore.

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