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MageTestFest has a location!

September 2, 2017

For our amazing Magento developer conference in November - MageTestFest - we finally found a fitting location: Prodent Fabriek in Amersfoort, The Netherlands. Why? Because it breathes an industrial testy atmosphere that fits MageTestFest perfectly. Here's a sneak preview:

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Do not depend on window.checkoutConfig

August 20, 2017

Within the Magento 2 checkout, JavaScript components have access to a variable window.checkoutConfig that contains useful stuff when dealing with the checkout logic (payment providers, checkout agreements, etcetera). However, using the window object in your JS library is a wrong thing to do. How to deal with this annoying variable?

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Yireo becomes member of Firegento

August 18, 2017

If you know the Magento community in Germany, you know about Firegento: It organizes various community events in Germany and it also hosts a Satis repository of composer packages. We are proud that Yireo is now also an official Firegento member! Isn't that weird?

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ViewModels in Magento 2

August 12, 2017

With Magento 2.2 on the roadmap for September, various new improvements popped up on the radar. One of these is the concept of ViewModels, offloading features from Block classes into separate ViewModel classes. But do we need to wait until Magento 2.2 before we can use these ViewModels?

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Mathias Verraes speaks at MageTestFest

August 8, 2017

And we're proud to announce the next major speaker in line: Mathias Verraes. Many people in the Magento community don't know him yet - while they should. It's awesome to have this authoritative speaker come on stage with MageTestFest, for various reasons.

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Dutch Magento developer events in 2017

August 7, 2017

The Dutch know their stuff. If you're not Dutch, you probably have heard this. If you're Dutch, you probably don't know what that means, because we are just busy doing our stuff. Anyway, one of those things about the Dutch is that Magento-wise we're quite busy. Here's a peek at some of the things that we are up to.

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Sebastian Bergmann speaks at MageTestFest

August 3, 2017

This November 2017, we are organizing an international Magento developer conference in The Netherlands - MageTestFest. And we are extremely proud to announce Sebastian Bergmann, founder of PHPUnit, as prime speaker. He is the main man for this main job at this main conference. And you're about to find out why.

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We're sorry, an error has occurred while generating this email.

July 8, 2017

When having installed Magento 2 somewhere, you might encounter the following error in the frontend: We're sorry, an error has occurred while generating this email.. This guide helps you troubleshoot this issue.

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Magento 2 JavaScript training in London

June 17, 2017

Next week, MagentoLive UK awaits us. And it is also your chance to dive into Magento 2 theming, including an in-to-depth JavaScript training in London. Check out the details.

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