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Magento 2 SearchResult or SearchResults?
January 14, 2022
One thing that has confused me for ages is that in your own custom Magento 2 repository, you can make use of a SearchResultInterface
(singular) and a SearchResultsInterface
(plural) - both work fine, but which one to actually use? A little writing to copy this from brain to blog.
Yireo in 2022
January 8, 2022
The New Year is there, 2022 has started. And amidst all turmoil of the pandemic, I'll peak ahead to what is waiting for Yireo (and perhaps you, if Yireo has something to offer that you like).
Magento 2 Luma Essentials on-demand training
January 2, 2022
I'm proud to officially announce the Magento 2 Luma Essentials on-demand training. It has gone live quietly already in December, but as the Yireo Courseware Portal where the on-demand videos are hosted has also undergone various changes, I felt that only now it is time to announce the course itself. For newbies? Nah, even experienced devs will learn from it.
Dad life with a new Yireo
December 29, 2021
Life has changed. Last year, not only COVID happened, but my wife got pregnant. End of March this year, I became a dad. And life has changed quite a bit. Even though I always prefer Yireo to be having a professional look by not mixing in too many personal details, I feel a need to share a bit of my dad life with you.
Hyvä compatibility - native or legacy?
December 23, 2021
Hyvä is on the rise. And not for no reason, it offers an exciting frontend framework for Magento 2 with excellent performance out-of-the-box. One of the reasons that Magento has grown popular is its huge collection of extensions. So it is not strange to ask whether third party modules work with Hyvä or not. If yes, this brings up a vital question whether that compatibility is due to native support or legacy fallback - which to me is a huge difference. Let me bash the legacy fallback.
Introducing Yireo On-Demand Phase II
December 14, 2021
Did you know that the name Yireo was loosely based on the word video? At the beginning of Yireo, there was an idea to sell videos but this idea was never realized. But end of last year (2020), phase I was completed with two video courses. And I'm proud to say that "phase II" is now as good as finalized as well. And it is definitely not only about videos.
My Reacticon 4 summary
October 15, 2021
Reacticon 4 is done. And I'm happy with how it went: Four days, 31 speakers, all online via YouTube stream and Slack space. And the content ruled. Here is my (rather detailed) personal summary of all days.
Here and back again - the Magento Open Letter
September 20, 2021
Everyone is writing about the open letter to the Magento community. I guess it is because it requires this much attention: The open letter to the Magento community is important if you care about Magento. Well, I got an opinion too! Here is my vision and my personal thoughts on what to do next. O and a mention of Reaction, which seems like an obligation.
Magento for haters
August 26, 2021
Love it or hate it, Magento is today still one of the leading applications when it comes to open source e-commerce. Its ecosystem is huge, it’s flexibility overwhelming, its complexity staggering and therefore, its name is often referred to as the best or the worst you can encounter in the PHP world. However, instead of repeating what others are saying about Magento, let’s have an open look at what Magento has to offer - pointing out the good, the bad and the ugly parts.