This year was a wild ride in my personal life. Still, I'm planning for a lot of cool things in the Yireo course portfolio. Here are the most concrete points for the last months of 2024.

Online courses

Since late 2022, Yireo has its own office, which is also used as a training room (it is actually designed specifically for that). With that, a lot of the trainings I held since 2022 are live trainings on-site with the agency or in that training room.

However, I repeatedly got the feedback from some that online courses (so, not video courses, but live trainings with Zoom) would be preferable: It cuts traveling time, especially with remote teams.

Because of this, some of the training that I organized earlier as a live training at Yireo, are now also going to be held online (via Zoom):

And - per request - we might be scheduling a lot more of these online live sessions. Let me know if you need anything.

New trainings for managers & merchants

Another big change in my portfolio is that I am (again) organizing non-developer trainings. I did so in the past (before 2018) but found no mojo in that. But I know have new teachers to spread the mojo instead:

... with new teachers

With that, I find it therefore also very cool to say that the Yireo team is no longer just one teacher (hello me), but a set of four teachers with the addition of Len Lorijn, Sander de Graaf and Ron van Dijk.

And I'm expecting even more to join the team. Why? Because Yireo stands for non-bullshit training, cheaper than the competition, more in-depth than the competition, and in it for the community.

New trainings for Magento developers

Throughout the years, I expanded my Magento course materials rapidly. Agencies that invited me as a teacher / consultant were profiting from this already. However, I never turned all of this into actual new courses. That's going to change with the coming of the following training.

Besides this, I'm updating my Shopware portfolio: With custom in-house trainings at agencies, I already discovered that Shopware teams often lack knowledge of newer Symfony features like Flex, PHP attributes and autowiring. All of this, plus kernel internals like compiler passes, now also flows into separate courses:

Roadmap for 2025

On top of all of this, I'm already looking forward to 2025. For instance, I've found a Typo3 guru with whom I'm eager to kickstart Typo3 courses. And Laravel is on the agenda too!

The summer of 2025 will mark another edition of the MageUnconference Netherlands. And who knows, there will be another MageTestFest?

Posted on September 5, 2024

This is just the new stuff. See our training page for a complete overview.

See all our courses

About the author

Author Jisse Reitsma

Jisse Reitsma is the founder of Yireo, extension developer, developer trainer and 3x Magento Master. His passion is for technology and open source. And he loves talking as well.

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We schrijven niet te commerciële dingen, we richten ons op de technologie (waar we dol op zijn) en we komen regelmatig met innovatieve oplossingen. Via onze nieuwsbrief kun je op de hoogte blijven van al deze coolness. Inschrijven kost maar een paar seconden.