Magento 1 has served us well. It shaped Yireo as a company and as a brand. It shaped who I am today. But now, about 9 months after the official End-of-Life of Magento 1, it is time to say goodbye. It is our End-Of-Love as well.
How Magento 1 has helped me grow
I started with Magento by using version 0.9999 (or so), tried to install it, first failed, then succeeded and had a look at both its UI and its code. With version 1.0, I started to create a first sample Magento project. With version 1.1, the first module followed - a payment provider gateway, that resembled the PayPal API somewhat, but which also has a namespace starting with a number: This quickly lead into numerous issues, varying from XML element names not being allowed to start with numbers, to my module being positioned before vital Magento core modules, etcetera. In the end, a lot of insight was gained.
Slowly the business model of Yireo started to expand upon Magento 1: A frontend developer training and backend developer training was developed. Numerous open source extensions followed. This included high-runners like DeleteAnyOrder and MageBridge (a connection towards Joomla) but it also included extensions that were extremely useful but seemed to have been understood, like the Trashcan extension (in short: install it beforehand, not afterwards, because if you don't have a trashcan, every deletion is permanent).
It was a great time.
An era ends
But this great time has now ended. Following from the official End-of-Life of Magento 1 in June 2020, I have decided to pull the plug for all Magento 1 extensions of Yireo. As of yet, all these extensions (either open source or commercial) have been moved to a separate GitHub account yireo-magento1 where they will remain for the time being. I have done this also in the past with Joomla extensions (yireo-joomla).
The yireo-magento1 account contains now 36 dead repositories, varying from popular extensions like WebP and GoogleTagManager, till previously commercial extensions like EmailTester and SalesBlock. Note that support is no longer provided, but the source code is available to all of you, nonetheless.
An era has already begun
Yireo will keep on focusing upon Magento 2 and Shopware 6 instead: With numerous open source projects, developer trainings and various other initiatives. For instance, Reacticon 4 will happen this June, I'm still very active with ExtDN, I'm helping Shopware to kickstart developer training, and I'm working on new Yireo On-Demand trainings for Magento PWA Studio and Hyva Themes. Letting go of the old stuff allows me to focus upon the new.
About the author

Jisse Reitsma is the founder of Yireo, extension developer, developer trainer and 3x Magento Master. His passion is for technology and open source. And he loves talking as well.